• May 13 Sat 2006 16:30
  • BLUE

超生氣的…剛剛在無名上打了半天…一按”確定”全部的東西就不見了(今天無線網路超級不穩的)~害我現在都沒心情再打一次了.其實也沒啥… 只是最近心情真的很不好,做什麼事都沒有勁,就像沒動力一樣….懶到極點.偏偏最近超多事,一脫拉庫的assignment在等著我去做,因為快到期末了吧….

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今天去看M:I:III還算是不錯~蠻有震撼力的.... TOM CLUISE果然寶刀未老哈哈哈~下面是電影的介紹 Tom Cruise, the most exciting and successful star in the world, returns to one of his signature roles, Secret Agent Ethan Hunt, in "Mission: Impossible III." In this pulse-racing, mind-bending action thriller, Hunt confronts the toughest villain he's ever faced - Owen Davian (Academy Award® winner Philip Seymour Hoffman), an international weapons and information provider with no remorse and no conscience.

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大家介紹一下我的房間啊~現在住在UPPER MT GRAVATT(很難唸的一個地方)就在一個Shopping mall的旁邊超方便的...但是錢也花的比較兇啦XD....我跟兩個好朋友share(都是台灣人啊)一個禮拜120澳幣(台幣要乘25)超貴的吧但在這已經算很便宜ㄌ.這是townhouse類型的住宅,就是房子跟房子連在一起的....蠻新的空氣也很好!其實很多留學生都選擇在CITY租房子.雖然方便但是貴很多又吵~我覺得要住哪裡真的是見仁見智啦!

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  • May 09 Tue 2006 18:12
  • 最近

天氣開始慢慢變冷了...但只限於早晚啦~中午還是很熱.所以在布里斯本街頭就可以看到有的人穿大衣有的人穿小可愛的有趣現象.時間過的很快,沒過多久就要期末了.又是忙碌的開始...但說真的,最近真的很混啊~要趕快收收心了.最近又開始想家了想到七月要留在這就..心酸~要是八月十二號的IELTS還考不過就要痛哭流涕了.最近學校突然有很多couple suddently appeared在你身邊....甜蜜的讓人羨慕又生氣..(真奇怪的說法)

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Today…is full of surprise!
I was extremely bored in this afternoon so I went to my neighbor’s house for chatting . suddenly, all the power supply was cut off. At first, I thought it just happened within their house cos they use too much power. But when I saw the dark outside, I discovered that all the units here were out of power. I was shocked and went back to my unit—but the dark was still lasting. Unfortunately, my brother arrived here at this moment. He planed to visit me this afternoon but what he could see was black in the entire area. By discussion, both of us agreed that go to south bank to hav dinner. In fact, a festival was held in south bank in order to celebrate Buddha’s birthday. When we arrived there, all the activities and stands had started. And it seems like all the Chinese people in Brisbane gathered there. There were so many people that we couldn’t find a place to sit. We just walk around (its pretty hard) and we can discover many Taiwanese food (all were vegetarian) and traditional things there. The most amazing part was they(佛光山)put three Buddha in the activity hall and held a 法會.In the meanwhile, the whole south bank was full of Buddhism music….how special is it! By the way, there were some Australian as well!

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好不容易等到了easter holiday

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哈哈哈哈哈哈~終於有網路ㄌ….經過了大風大浪都沒有po在可愛的網誌上~超可惜的.現在已經在UQ foundation 讀了兩個月還算是平順…學校裡大部分學生都是從大陸&香港來的(大部分都講廣東話)常常有種在香港讀書的錯覺~現在我修的科目有biology, chemistry and psychology .biology 蠻難的因為太多單字了….大致還讀得OK~

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101 in new year's eve! today is my second day back to Brisbane .in fact , totally boring!
i still remember the day i went to taipei city hall and countdown ~fire works were absoulutly amazing!and now i stay in this boiling and small city , its a little unbelivable~i hope next week will be better(its impossible coz all of my friends will leave><)happy new year everybody!!!

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