i didnt feel comf today
the thought that i recovered from cold was wrong
still felt dizzy and weak during the day time (cold as well
i backed home after having lunch with Jessica & Idy at Korean restaurant(didnt eat much><"
wanted fell to sleep at first
but suddently remembered that i hav to bring my books to Will
i felt really sleepy and cold at that time
so swallowed 2 tablets and weared 2 more clothes (look like i am going to sw in the snow)
then went out
I met Will(Koren boy i knew from laguage school)in front of Office work
then we chatted for about 2 hours><"
he is just as cute as i knew him before
I really like his way of talking (haha
We had dinner together
i was quite surprised that he can know that much by his age
really happy to meet him today
and after chatting with him i felt much better
(i think its cos of the tablets)

whats more
Finally got my new mobile phone today
i cant stand the working efficiency of Australian
its "3 weeks" later after i gave it bake to them!
whatever~at least i got it


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