got ticket to the BALL!
actually i wasnt interested on it...just found out that some of the friends r going, and i havent been to this kind of ball~
so going to hav some special expeiences...
hope we can hav good fun there.
(got my "formal" dress 2day as well!i must be fit enough to wear it~but dont hav time to lose weight la) 
and considered about wheather wear the mask or not.. cos i will lose my chance to win the prize if i dont hav mask...
hmm~waiting for next Fri!
there r always some misunderstandings between people
i dont want to lose a friend cos of silly reason 
i didnt know what happened
but still apologized to u 
maybe i did sth wrong or make u unhappy
could u plz tell me why r u mad at me?
what the hell!
the new mobile i got yesterday just broken down (within less than one day!!!)
really regretful now
the reason i bought this "chocolate phone" just cos its apperence
who knows it functions that bad
returned it to the store
and they said they hav to send it back to sydney ( fortunately not korea)
and give me the mobile "next week"(is it a new one?)
i can just say
i hav pretty bad luck


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